Nearest emergency vet to me
Nearest emergency vet to me

nearest emergency vet to me

X-Rays, ultrasound images and blood results are the property of the Minster Veterinary Centre.We currently do not charge for the completion and sending of insurance forms. However, on occasion there may be a backlog of claims and this may take longer. We endeavour to complete and send insurance forms within 2 weeks of receipt.Request for a direct claim should be discussed with the veterinary surgeon before commencement of treatment. This facility is provided at the discretion of the senior practice management and cases are assessed on an individual basis. We currently do not complete insurance forms online. Direct insurance claims may be permitted on the basis that the insurance excess is paid before claims are processed and that the insurance documents are brought in to the surgery.

nearest emergency vet to me

  • We aim to be accommodating to all clients, if your pet requires treatment and you are aware you may not be able to meet the terms of payment please alert us at the earliest possible opportunity and we will discuss the possible options to try and avoid any unnecessary unease.
  • If unsuccessful your account will be passed to a debt collection agency to seek payment, and/or pursued through the courts. Attempts will be made to recover the payment.

    nearest emergency vet to me

    Failure to pay within the specified time period may result in your account being surcharged. Failure to pay at time of treatment will lead to an invoice being sent. Payment is expected to be made at the time of treatment.

    Nearest emergency vet to me